

This book is the second book in the Blood of Eden trilogy, I finished the first one ( The immortal rules ) last week and loved it, it was so fast paced and action packed. So I was really excited to continue on and see what will happen. First I want to say that this review is spoiler free and I also will tell you now what the trilogy is actually about.
The trilogy is nothing like this typical vampire story with this boring romance, in which you can predict everything. This trilogy is about Allison Sekemoto, who lives in a world where vampires exist and people are aware of that. She lives in a so called ” vampire city “, in which the vampires rule and has to survive in the Fringe, the outermost circle of a walled-in city. She and her crew have to scavenge for food by day, so none of them gets eaten by night. Allie hates the vampires and sees them as monsters who only see human as bloodbags. Until the night Allie herself has to decide whether she wants to become a monster herself or really die.

I actually didn’t think that the second book could be even better than the first one, because I really loved the first one. But little did I know, this book was incredible. I found this one to be even more fast paced than the first book and there was again so much going on, which kept the book interesting from beginning to end.
Allison is such an amazing character. I liked that we could see a lot more of her vampire side, she was so kick butt. And how she fights with her katana and aargh just everything, I really really love her as a main character. You definitely could see her development, in the first book she was kind of clinging to her old human life, but in this one she finally accepts who she is now.
Then there is Jackal, I never thought I would ever like him, but he is so hilarious and aah i don’t even know. I mean he is still an ass, what he did to like nearly everyone and what he destroyed but you could see a different side of him and he is just so cocky, I like it.And then we have Zeke, I fell in love with him all over again. Zeke was such a badass in this book! He’s such a smart and awesome character and the twist involving him at the end..I didn’t expect that! And the last character I wanna mention is Sarren..GOD I HATE HIM SO MUCH! He is just a psycho and ugh.
The end of the book, the Epilogue, oh my god ! It destoyed me, literally ! I sat there in my bed, didn’t expect anything, and then BOOM the tears came. I have to read the last book ( The forever song ) right now, but I want all my editions to match and it is not out yet in paperback ugh. So yes, I will have to see but I would definitely recommend this trilogy to everyone. READ IT ! SERIOUSLY; RIGHT NOW ! GO ! GET IT !


Hey guys !
Todays blog post, will be my Summer/Birthday Book Haul. As some of you might know, I turned 17 on the 30th of July and got some books from my family and friends. From the money I got for my birthday, I also bought some books and yeah I will show them to you now. I already read some of them and really enjoyed them so, I hope you like this Haul 🙂
EMBARGO  immortal rules  lovers dictionarymerciless  opposition  sense and sensibility

since youve been gone  split second  we were liars

These are the 9 books, I got to my birthday. I already read ” The immortal rules ” and ” The Lovers Dictionary ” and really enjoyed them, if you want to know more, reviews will come 🙂
I just started ” The eternity cure “, the second book in the ” Blood of Eden ” Trilogy.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve my posts or Book Hauls, I would love to hear them!


Hello guys !
I am back and tanned uuh, hahaah. I just wanted to tell you that the next blogpost will probably be my SUMMER/BIRTHDAY BOOK HAUL, because I got many books so far and just ordered 3 from amazon. I actually wanted to do something like a Birthday Presents post, but this is a Book Blog so I will only show the books and yeah that is actually it.
Hope you are excited aaaaaand see ya soon 🙂