Hey Guys,
Yes, another TAG! I just love doing them and love watching/reading them, because I can include every book I want so you can see what I have read so far! This time it is the Goodreads TAG and I LOVE GOODREADS, I love to barcode scan my books and update my reading progress .. it is just an awesome internet platform for readers to talk to each others and stuff.
As always if you did this TAG/want to do it feel free to comment down below:-)!

1. What was the last book you marked as ‘read’?
Maria Stuart, which I read for school and surprisingly really enjoyed it.
2. What are you currently reading?
The Scorch Trials by James Dashner..but I am only 8 pages into it haha.
3. What was the last book you marked as ‘TBR’?
Survive the Night by Danielle Vega, I read The Merciless by her and really really enjoyed it and this book comes out sometime this year and I was hoping that maybe the characters frome the first book will appear in this book yeah.
4. What book do you plan to read next?
I am Malala or Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas..probably Crown of Midnight because I need Dorian.
5. Do you use the star rating system?
Yes I do and I love rating my books but sometimes it is kind of hard because there are no half stars.
6. Are you doing a 2015 Reading Challenge?
Yes I will, I already did a 2014 Challenge which was to read 45 books and I actually read 49. So for this year I also did 45 books as my goal. But it could happen that I change it throughout the year.
7. Do you have a wishlist?
My TBR shelf is kind of my wishlist.
8. What book do you plan to buy next?
P.S. I still love you by Jenny Han, The One by Kiera Cass or City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare.
9. Do you have any favorite quotes, would you like to share a few?
I have a lot, but you can take a look at my goodreads page and read a few..I love liking quotes from the books I read.
10. Who are your favorite authors?
Cassandra Clare, Jenny Han, John Green, Tahereh Mafi, Marie Lu, Patrick Ness and so many more.
11. Have you joined any groups?
Yes I am in the ” My true Love gave to me Readalong ” group and also in the ” BOOKSPLOSION Book of the month ” group.
12. Are there any questions you would like to add?
I thought there was a question sth. like : What would you like to change about goodreads, so I will answer this: I would like to have the chance to rate my books with half stars and I hate that if you are looking for a book but do not know the EXACT title that goodreads does NOT find it, you literally have to know every single letter and how it is written and bla and yes.. I do not like that.

I hope you enjoyed this TAG and I will see you the next time.
-Laura xoxo

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